What Are Milia- 5 ways to get rid of it 

Milia are small white bumps that grouped on the nose, chin, cheeks though they can also appear somewhere else. Most of the time it can resolve on their own without any treatment However, you need to follow a few things to speed up the healing process and preventing them from forming.

One of the most important that you need to understand is Never ever pick, poke, or try to remove them. Removing Milia can cause bleeding and scraping that can cause infection in your skin. Wash your face and after washing it you have to pat your dry skin instead of letting it dry. Steam open your pores by Sitting in the steam for 8 to 10 minutes. The steam will lightly open up your pores by clearing skin flakes or other irritants that may be trapped underneath.

After sitting in steam you have to turn off the shower for a few minutes and rinse your face with lukewarm water to wash away any irritants before you step out of the steamy room. Gently exfoliate the area but Exfoliating too much can disturb the skin, so you don't do it daily. Use an exfoliating cleanser once a week and notice if it improves your Milia. Use the honey mask by mixing 3 or 4 tbsp. of honey with about 1 tbsp. of cinnamon.

Microwave the mix of the mixture to your face and feel the comforting impact for up to 10 minutes before rinsing. Apply rose water for two or three times a day but Be careful to avoid your eye area. Rose oil might irritate it. Try a facial peel and use a retinoid cream to get rid of milia.if you are not observing any positive change consult a Dermatologist to experience tiny needle treatment for the removal of Milia manually.

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